There are several ways to give at Sullivan First Christian Church.
Choose the best fit below!
Today people are willing to have money transferred from their bank accounts to pay bills, insurance premiums, mortgages, fitness memberships and more.
Online giving provides the same convenience for those who want to faithfully and consistently make a financial tithe or gift to the church.
Many banks offer a free bill pay service. All you have to do is make a payment payable to First Christian Church and input our address - First Christian Church, P.O. Box 408, Sullivan, IN 47882.
Your bank will then mail a check to us on your behalf. As long as your bank includes your name on the check (most of them do) then we can still track these offerings for your annual giving statement just like any other form of offering.
You’ll need to find out the specifics of your bank’s policies on this service, but again, most of them will provide this option at no cost to you (or us).
You can give by dropping your gift in an offering box located on the walls of any exit of the sanctuary, drop off your gift in the main office during office hours, or mail it to our Post Office Box:
First Christian Church
P.O. Box 408
Sullivan, IN 47882